I hope the past year has been meaningful and rich for you with connections and love.

I want to thank you with all my heart for being part of my life and I feel grateful for our shared commitment to bringing healing and presence into the lives of everyone who comes to us for help.

You and many of my students from all over the world have been asking for a live workshop near you, and… I am very happy to share that we are bringing in the New Year with a bang, with many possibilities to join a live event in (or near) your area, wherever you are!

Together with my wonderful team of teachers and assistants, I hope to meet you at one of our upcoming workshops in 2014.

I started developing my program, called SATe (Somatic Attachment Training experience, also known to many as DARe – Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience) over 10 years ago, to provide the essential training to help your clients develop stronger bonds and restore Secure attachment, resulting in more joyful and happy adult relationships. This series of workshops provides very valuable skills for therapists, social workers, coaches, and professional leaders who are committed to helping their clients and themselves bring deeper connection and more love in their lives.

Here’s what each module addresses:

Module 1 – Healing Early Attachment Wounds and Embracing the Authentic Self
DARe 1A primer on the basic four attachment styles and how they play out, DARe 1 focuses on healing early attachment wounds.  Participants learn to use Corrective Experiences to help resolve stuck attachment patterns. As you explore this material and your own attachment history, you will discover how to help your clients heal this important part of our human journey.

DARe 2Module  2 – Creating Healthy Adult Relationships
In this workshop, you will explore how to compassionately free yourself from old patterns that affect your current relationships. Learn specific strategies to support and nourish secure healthy attachment for all the Attachment Styles; acquire more skills to serve your clients and your own growth; see and practice techniques to address relationship disruptions, and take advantage of valuable assessment tools for determining your clients’ Attachment styles.

Module  3 – The Neurobiology of Loving Relationships
DARe 3This training highlights the role of Neuroscience in restoring the brain’s natural attunement to Secure Attachment. We’ll cover topics such as myelination, synaptogenesis, neuroplasticity, mirror neurons, brain pruning and priming, and implicit/explicit memory functions. You will gain knowledge that will greatly benefit precise clinical application in the relational field and will facilitate actual brain integration.
DARe 4Module  4 – From Wound to Wellness – Excavating Core Intactness, Power and Resiliency
Expand your perspective on the complex wounds your most challenging clients suffer from, deepening your exploration of Disorganized attachment. In this training, participants learn to clinically address Victim-Perpetrator dynamics, Dissociation alternating with Flooding and Fragmentation, with attention to Character disorders and more. This module offers the gift of deep repair, providing participants with effective tools to restore their clients’ sense of protection and relative safety.
Module 1 is the prerequisite for all the other DARe/SATe workshops. Following Module 1, you can take the other modules in any order.As an alternative to attending a live DARe/SATe 1 workshop, you can also take it as a self-study course by purchasing the DARe 1 DVD set and studying the material before your Module 2, 3 or 4 workshop. There will also be various Special Topics events, both in USA and in Europe. Be sure to check our Calendar from time to time for updates on new events! We also offer CE (continue education) credits with all our workshops, allowing you to stay current on your state licensing requirements.




“The material was so well presented  – very clear and well organized. The addition of the manual made a huge difference and I will continue to use it as a reference. The attachment module was particularly relevant to my clinical practice – and Diane, you shine at providing connections between the didactic and clinical application.”

“Thank you for a wonderful training in NYC.  I learned so much and am already digesting and integrating the information you shared with us.  I did my graduate research on attachment and adult mother/daughter relationship (levels of self-esteem and depression).  Now after working as a clinician for over a decade and having attended the three days, it all makes so much more sense.   I so appreciate both the theory and the practice. You demonstrated and taught us so much that will help facilitate repair and re-orientation. It obviously reflects years of clinical foundation, experience and self-healing.  The attachment wounds/repair information is truly the foundation – and as you said, the ‘pay dirt’ of our work.  Having the opportunity to watch you in the demonstrations accompanied by the biofeedback was truly astonishing.”