Disorganized Attachment embodies the most complex Attachment wound. It occurs when children attempt to connect with a parent who has Attachment injury or unresolved trauma. The parent, who is supposed to be the safe haven of for the child, may actually embody the source of fear.

The child may suffer exposure to:

  • Loud voices
  • Explosive behavior
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse

This interrupts the child’s natural biological need to bond – the desire to bond also exposes the child to their primary source of fear.

As an adult, individuals with Disorganized Attachment may have either:

Situational Disorganized – The adult experiences a trigger when exposed to loud noises, yelling, or conflict.

Chronic Disorganized – Past trauma was so severe that the individual’s main Attachment style becomes Disorganized.

In DARe live trainings, we discuss ways to bring ourselves and our clients back toward Secure Attachment with Somatic Experiencing techniques, exercises, and working through victim-perpetrator dynamics.

Part of the process employs managing high-arousal states and over-activation to calm down the amygdala and threat-response.

Upcoming Opportunities

Therapy Mastermind Circle – Ongoing Attachment Training

If you cannot make it to our live trainings, we offer an ongoing online training called The Therapy Mastermind Circle. TMC features monthly teachings from Diane, demos, case consult calls, and expert teachings.

This affordable and richly packed program can be completed at the scheduled call times, but if you cannot make it, everything will be available online for you to view at your own convenience. It is easy to fit into your summer schedule.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Attachment tribe!