We all may know that we are neurobiologically designed for Secure Attachment but the critical question is: How do we help our clients return there if they did not hit the jackpot by starting out with it in the first place? 

It is often said, it is much easier to learn a theory than to put one into practice. We might have read a lot of books on Attachment and have a good theoretical understanding. However, as therapists how do we go beyond theory to become effective practitioners for our clients?

I’ve developed a series of four workshops on Attachment & Trauma Resolution to give you the tools and practice to confidently work with your clients.In these interactive workshops you will have access to live demos, lectures, media presentations and small group practices and exercises. For 2015, I want you to become your clients’ number one support resource helping them identify their attachment style and learn special healing techniques. That is why I’ve designed this special line up. Peruse this list and signup soon!

“If you can learn to be skillful with repair, you can actually have a stronger relationship after a mistake, because repair is very, very powerful!”

Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 6.15.33 PMUpcoming Programs for 2015!

DARe 1: Healing Early Attachment Wounds 
January 9-12, wth Patti Elledge in Eileen Fisher’s Learning Lab, Irvington, NY, Click Here
April 24-27, with Patricia Meadows, Berkeley, CA, Click Here

Foundations to learn the language of Attachment and start getting familiar with the four basic styles and their distinctive hallmarks

During this four-day workshop you will explore how to effectively target clinical applications and Corrective Experiences for each specific style to make lasting changes and you will learn how to:

  • Work with over-coupled dynamics between early childhood “family of origin” attachment patterns that play out in adult relationships.
  • Define the distinctions between Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, and Disorganized Attachment models.
  • Use Corrective Experiences to aid in resolving seemingly fixed attachment patterns. 

​DARe 2 – Creating Healthy Adult Relationships 
February 6-9with Patti Elledge, Asheville, NC, Click Here

Explore the dynamics of Attachment as they play out in adult relationships, and learn simple and effective techniques that your clients can practice for a more fulfilling and nurturing relating experience

pic4Through an array of engaging exercises and stimulating lectures, you will understand more about working with the earliest imprints which affect our very beings – neurologically, psychobiologically, emotionally and socially.  In Module 2 you will learn specific strategies for working with Encapsulated Child States, Wants/Needs for each insecure style, Boundaries, Repairs, Utilizing Safe Touch and Differentiating from the Family Field.

DARe 3 – The Neurobiology of Loving Relationships 
March 13-16, with Dr. Diane Poole Heller, Silver Spring, MD, Click Here

Delve into the fascinating world of Neuroscience to gain a deeper understanding of the processes that support and expedite healing, turning the unique capabilities of our brain to our advantage.

One of the most positive capacities of the human brain is the innate biological ability to grow new neurons throughout its entire lifespan – What a marvelous and hopeful perspective this gives in the context of Trauma and Attachment healing! 

​DARe 4 – From Wound to Wellness: Excavating Core Intactness, Power & Resilience
January 9-11 with Dr. Diane Heller, Vancouver, Canada, Click Here
March 26-29 
with Patti ElledgeCincinnati, Ohio, Click Here
Learn how to help your most difficult clients recover from Power Wounds to restore their sense of Empowerment, be free of Victim and/or Perpetrator identity, and help heal Disorganized Attachment through installing the Competent Protector. Use carity to dispel physiological, cognitive and emotional confusion as well as Reversing Immobilization Techniques to Quiet the Amygdala Threat Response and to restore inner calm and safety.

I know you’ll find the topics above extremely helpful every day in your practice. Hope to see you there!  

