I loved this short video that has gone viral in the last few days, so hope you don’t mind it again… The baby is ready to doze off, but seems so delighted by connecting to his mom’s gaze that he just cannot surrender to sleep – “One more moment looking at your eyes mom, one more smile… just to let you know how happy I am to see you…”

And it’s also very sweet to hear the soft sounds of mom’s own delight and feel the deep, intimate connection in her voice…

According to Stern, a newborn baby’s first and most significant experience at a visual level is gazing at their mother; the baby’s field of visual focus is about 8 inches, which is just about the distance from mom’s face and eyes. In the first three months, this field of vision gradually widens – but since that very first eye-to-eye gaze, the baby’s attachment style will be strongly impacted by their connection to the caregiver. Attachment gaze can be an incredible vehicle of love, care, attention, reassurance of safety and protection; it nurtures and supports and envelops the child in warmth, building a strong Secure Attachment.

So, I hope this short clip will warm your heart and inspire you to look at someone today with the same heartfelt delight and love…

